S--spiritual 心靈
E--enlightenment 啟發
T--transformation 轉化
H--homecoming 回家
每個字母延伸意義由長年鑽研心靈並從事翻譯之前輩所建議 【字體設計由Taiwan Logo徐永進先生設計 】
Seth Education Foundation
▌服務項目 Service
- 身心靈整體健康講座 Free public speeches
- 心靈成長課程及工作坊 Spiritual growth courses and workshops
- 個別心靈輔導 Spiritual advising
- 病友與家屬支持成長團體 Supporting groups for patients and family members
- 企業團體學校教育成長規劃 Course planning for enterprises and schools
- 慈善藝文活動與社會服務 Charity activities and social services
- 花蓮賽斯村身心靈療癒成長社區 Seth Village-Community for Body-Mind-Spiritual Healing and Growth in Hualien
- SethTV賽斯公益網路電視台,全球24小時無國界學習 Seth TV- Charity WebTV for non-stop online learning
▌緣起 Origin
Seth Education Foundation was established in Taichung on March the 7th 2008, dedicated to promoting the body-mind-spirit whole-person education and holistic health based on Seth material to every corner of society, to assist people in recalling the love, wisdom, empathy, creativity and potential that they were born with, and in living a life full of health and joy and the balance of body, mind and spirit.
▌宗旨 Objecive
Say yes to life, cherish the environment, and move forward to a new age of spirituality and enlightenment.
▌願景 Vision
The balance of body, mind and spirit is the key to health and joy. The power of thoughts decides the direction of life.
- 在身體健康上:啟發大眾信任身體自我療癒的力量。
- Physical body: to lead people to trust the self-healing power that the body possesses
- 在心靈教育上:尊重每個人的獨特性,引導學習信念創造實相的真諦。
Spiritual education: to respect the uniqueness of every individual and help people to learn the essence of “beliefs create reality”.
- 計畫建設賽斯身心靈療癒社區、賽斯學院,以提供全人類ㄧ處心靈安憩與成長的桃花源。
- Community service: to establish Seth Body-Mind-Spirit Healing Community, Seth College, Seth Education Center, in order to provide multiple resources for people in the neighborhood to learn and grow.
▌推廣四大方向 Actions
▌賽斯家族 Spirit of Seth Family
賽斯家族的三大特質 Seth Family Believes
1. 做個<腳踏實地的理想主義者>I am a practical idealist;
2. 當個<無可救藥的樂觀主義者> I am an eternal optimist; and
3. 我們是來地球<出差、旅遊、學習、考察兼玩耍的實習神明>I am a God-in-Training here on Earth work, travel, learn, explore and play.
身心靈健康三大定律 Three Rules of Holistic Health
1. 少量多餐.分段睡眠 Several meals a day in small quantity; divide the sleep into several intervals.
2. 轉變念頭.信任生命 Change your thoughts and trust life.
3. 轉心冥想.自我覺察 Practice meditation and self-awareness.
神奇之道 The Magical Approach
1. 結果先確定 Set out the outcome
2. 自然方法來 And the approach will come
3. 輕鬆不費力 It’s easy and effortless
4. 信任感恩加行動 Just trust and be grateful
5. 但要有耐心 Then Take action with a little bit patience